
東京大学 物性研究所 ナノスケール物性研究部門
Hashisaka Group @ ISSP, The University of Tokyo


※学会発表はこちら ⇒ PRESENTATION



  1. “Coherent electron splitting in interacting chiral edge channels”
    E. Iyoda, T. Shimizu, and M. Hashisaka
    arXiv:2407.11491 arXiv
  2. “Mach-Zehnder interference of fractionalized electron-spin excitations”
    T. Shimizu, E. Iyoda, S. Sasaki, A. Endo, S. Katsumoto, N. Kumada, and M. Hashisaka
    arXiv:2407.11490 arXiv
  3. “エッジ状態のダイナミクスとエニオン統計”
    第68回 物性若手夏の学校テキスト, p240-250 (2024). doi.org/10.57393/natsugaku.2.0_240
  4. “On-chip transfer of ultrashort graphene plasmon wavepackets using terahertz electronics”
    K. Yoshioka, G. Bernard, T. Wakamura, M. Hashisaka, K. Sasaki, S. Sasaki, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and N. Kumada
    Nature Electronics 2024. doi.org/10.1038/s41928-024-01197-x
  5. “Gate-tunable giant superconducting nonreciprocal transport in few-layer Td-MoTe2”
    T. Wakamura, M. Hashisaka, S. Hoshino, M. Bard, S. Okazakki, T. Sasagawa, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Muraki, and N. Kumada
    Physical Review Research 6, 013132-1-13 (2024). doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.013132

  6. 2023

  7. “Coherent-incoherent crossover of charge and neutral mode transport as evidence for the disorder-dominated fractional edge phase”
    M. Hashisaka, T. Ito, T. Akiho, S. Sasaki, N. Kumada, N. Shibata, K. Muraki
    Physical Review X 13, 031024-1-15 (2023). doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.13.031024

  8. 2022

  9. “Fast time-domain current measurement for quantum dot charge sensing using a homemade cryogenic transimpedance amplifier”
    H. Bohuslavskyi, M. Hashisaka, T. Shimizu, T. Akiho, K. Muraki, N. Kumada
    Applied Physics Letters 121, 184003 (2022).  doi.org/10.1063/5.0118391
  10. “Ultrafast intrinsic optical-to-electrical conversion dynamics in graphene photodetector”
    K. Yoshioka, T. Wakamura, M. Hashisaka, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, N. Kumada
    Nature Photonics 16, 718-723 (2022).  doi.org/10.1038/s41566-022-01058-z

  11. 2021

  12. “Homemade-HEMT-based transimpedance amplifier for high-resolution shot-noise measurements”
    T. Shimizu, M. Hashisaka, H. Bohuslavskyi, T. Akiho, N. Kumada, S. Katsumoto, and K. Muraki
    Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 124715-1-7 (2021).  doi.org/10.1063/5.0076196
  13. “Time-resolved investigation of plasmon mode along interface channels in integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes”
    C. Lin, M. Hashisaka, T. Akiho, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 104, 125304-1-9 (2021).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125304
  14. “Shot noise in mesoscopic systems: from single particles to quantum liquids”
    K. Kobayashi and M. Hashisaka
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 90, 102001-1-47 (2021) (Invited Review Paper).  doi.org/10.7566/JPSJ.90.102001
  15. “Andreev reflection of fractional quantum Hall quasiparticles”
    M. Hashisaka, T. Jonckheere, T. Akiho, S. Sasaki, J. Rech, T. Martin, and K. Muraki
    Nature Communications 12, 2794-1-7 (2021).  doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23160-6
  16. “Cryogenic GaAs high-electron-mobility-transistor amplifier for current noise measurements”
    S. Lee, M. Hashisaka, T. Akiho, K. Kobayashi, and K. Muraki
    Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 023910 (2021).  doi.org/10.1063/5.0036419
  17. “Quantized charge fractionalization at quantum Hall Y junctions in the disorder dominated regime”
    C. Lin, M. Hashisaka, T. Akiho, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Nature Communications 12, 131-1-7 (2021).  doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20395-7

  18. 2020

  19. “On-chip coherent frequency-domain THz spectroscopy for electrical transport”
    K. Yoshioka, N. Kumada, K. Muraki, and M. Hashisaka
    Applied Physics Letters 117, 161103 (2020).  doi.org/10.1063/5.0024089
  20. “Suppression of gate screening on edge magnetoplasmons by highly resistive ZnO gate”
    N. Kumada, N.-H. Tu, K.-i. Sasaki, T. Ota, M. Hashisaka, S. Sasaki, K. Onomitsu, and K. Muraki
    Physical Review B 101, 025205 (2020).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.205205
  21. “Two-step breakdown of a local v = 1 quantum Hall state”
    M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 101, 041303(R) (2020).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.041303

  22. 2019

  23. “Charge equilibration in integer and fractional quantum Hall edge channels in a generalized Hall-bar device”
    C. Lin, R. Eguchi, M. Hashisaka, T. Akiho, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 99, 195304 (2019).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.195304
  24. “Spectroscopic study on hot-electron transport in a quantum Hall edge channel”
    T. Ota, S. Akiyama, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 99, 085310 (2019).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.085310

  25. 2018

  26. “Coupling between Quantum Hall Edge Channels on Opposite Sides of a Hall Bar”
    N. H. Tu, M. Hashisaka, T. Ota, Y. Sekine, K. Muraki, T. Fujisawa, and N. Kumada
    Solid State Communications 283, 32-36 (2018).  doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2018.08.007
  27. “Tomonaga-Luttinger-Liquid Nature of Edge Excitations in Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels”
    M. Hashisaka, and T. Fujisawa
    Reviews in Physics 3, 32 (2018).  doi.org/10.1016/j.revip.2018.07.001
  28. “Electronic energy spectroscopy of monochromatic edge magnetoplasmons in the quantum Hall regime”
    T. Ota, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 345301 (2018).  doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/aad220
  29. “Signatures of a non-thermal metastable state in copropagating quantum Hall edge channels”
    K. Itoh, R. Nakazawa, T. Ota, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review Letters 120, 197701 (2018).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.197701

  30. 2017

  31. “朝永・ラッティンジャー液体における電荷・スピン密度波束の観測実験”
    橋坂昌幸, 藤澤利正
    日本物理学会誌, vol. 72, 805 (2017) (表紙掲載).
  32. “Two-electron double quantum dot coupled to coherent photon and phonon fields”
    Y. Sato, J. C. H. Chen, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 96, 115416 (2017).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.115416
  33. “Charge fractionalization in artificial Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids with controlled interaction strength”
    P. Brasseur, N. H. Tu, Y. Sekine, K. Muraki, M. Hashisaka, T. Fujisawa, and N. Kumada
    Physical Review B 96, 081101(R) (2017).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.081101
  34. “Negative and positive cross-correlations of current noises in quantum Hall edge channels at bulk filling factor v = 1”
    T. Ota, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 225302-1 (2017).  doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/aa6cc0
  35. “Waveform measurement of charge- and spin-density wavepackets in a chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid”
    M. Hashisaka, N. Hiyama, T. Akiho, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Nature Physics 13, 559 (2017).  doi.org/10.1038/nphys4062

  36. 2016

  37. “局所分数量子ホール系における分数電荷準粒子のトンネル現象”
    橋坂昌幸, 太田智明, 村木康二, 藤澤利正
    固体物理, vol. 51, No. 2, 127 (2016).
  38. “Long-lived binary tunneling spectrum in the quantum Hall Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid”
    K. Washio, R. Nakazawa, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, Y. Tokura, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 93, 075304 (2016).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.93.075304

  39. 2015

  40. “Exchange-induced spin blockadein a two-electron double quantum dot”
    D. Imanaka, S. Sharmin, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review Letters 115, 176802 (2015).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.176802
  41. “Enhanced electron-phonon coupling for a semiconductor charge qubit in a surface phonon cavity”
    J. C. H. Chen, Y. Sato, R. Kosaka, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Scientific Reports 5, 15176 (2015).  doi.org/10.1038/srep15176
  42. “An edge magnetoplasmon Mach-Zehnder interferometer”
    N. Hiyama, M. Hashisaka, and T. Fujisawa
    Applied Physics Letters 107, 143101 (2015).  doi.org/10.1063/1.4932111
  43. “Shot-noise evidence of fractional quasiparticle creation in a local fractional quantum Hall state”
    M. Hashisaka, T. Ota, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review Letters 114, 056802 (2015).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.056802

  44. 2014

  45. “Resonant edge magnetoplasmons and their decay in graphene”
    N. Kumada, P. Roulleau, B. Roche, M. Hashisaka, H. Hibino, I. Petkovic, and D. C. Glattli
    Physical Review Letters 113, 26601 (2014).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.266601
  46. “Spin-dependent tunneling rates for electrostatically defined GaAs quantum dot”
    M. Yamagishi, N. Watase, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 90, 035306 (2014).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.035306
  47. “Plasmon transport and its guiding in graphene”
    N. Kumada, R. Dubourget, K. Sasaki, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, H. Kamata, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    New Journal of Physics, 16, 063055 (2014).  doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/16/6/063055
  48. “量子ホール端における電荷密度波のダイナミクス”
    橋坂昌幸, 鎌田大, 藤澤利正, 熊田倫雄, 村木康二
    固体物理, vol. 49, No. 5, 359 (2014).
  49. “Cross-correlation measurement of quantum shot noise using homemade transimpedance amplifiers”
    M. Hashisaka, T. Ota, M. Yamagishi, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 054704 (2014).  doi.org/10.1063/1.4875588
  50. “Fractionalized wave packets from an artificial Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid”
    H. Kamata, N. Kumada, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Nature Nanotechnology 9, 177 (2014).  doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2013.312
  51. “Single-electron counting statistics with a finite frequency bandwidth”
    N. Watase, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 04EJ01 (2014).  doi.org/10.7567/JJAP.53.04EJ01

  52. 2013

  53. “Distributed-element circuit model of edge magnetoplasmon transport”
    M. Hashisaka, H. Kamata, N. Kumada, K. Washio, R. Murata, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 88, 235409 (2013).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.235409
  54. “Plasmon transport in graphene investigated by time-resolved electrical measurements”
    N. Kumada, S. Tanabe, H. Hibino, H. Kamata, M. Hashisaka, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Nature Communications 4, 1363 (2013).  doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2353

  55. 2012

  56. “Frequancy conversion of rf edge magnetoplasmons using a quantum point contact”
    M. Hashisaka, R. Murata, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Applied Physics Letters 100, 233501 (2012).  doi.org/10.1063/1.4726136
  57. “Distributed electrochemical capacitance evidenced in high-frequency admittance measurements on a quantum Hall device”
    M. Hashisaka, K. Washio, H. Kamata, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physical Review B 85, 155424 (2012).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.85.155424
  58. “Correlation of 1/f noise between semiconductor point contacts with a common lead”
    M. Yamagishi, M. Hashisaka,K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51, 02BJ08 (2012).  doi.org/10.1143/JJAP.51.02BJ08
  59. “Shot noise induced by electron-nuclear spin-flip scattering in a non-equilibrium quantum wire”
    K. Chida, M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, T. Arakawa, T. Machida, K. Kobayashi and T. Ono
    Physical Review B 85, 041309(R) (2012).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.85.041309

  60. 2011

  61. “Non-equilibrium transport in a quantum wire in the quantum Hall regime”
    K. Chida, M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, T. Arakawa, T. Machida, K. Kobayashi and T. Ono
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 334, 012031 (2011).  doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/334/1/012031
  62. “Time resolved potential measurement at quantum point contacts under irradiation of surface acoustic burst wave”
    T. Fujisawa, K. Nishio, T. Nagase, M. Hashisaka, and K. Muraki
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1399, 269 (2011).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3666357
  63. “Dispersive lineshape of the resistively detected NMR in a quantum wire in the quantum Hall regime”
    K. Chida, M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, T. Arakawa, T. Machida, K. Kobayashi and T. Ono
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1399, 675 (2011).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3666557
  64. “Non-equilibrium fluctuation relation in a quantum coherent conductor”
    S. Nakamura, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashisaka, K. Chida, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, R. Leturcq, K. Ensslin, K. Saito, Y. Utsumi, A. C. Gossard
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1399, 329 (2011).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3666387
  65. “Fluctuation theorem and microreversibility in a quantum coherent conductor”
    S. Nakamura, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashisaka, K. Chida, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, R. Leturcq, K. Ensslin, K. Saito, Y. Utsumi, A. C. Gossard
    Physical Review B 83, 155431 (2011).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.83.155431
  66. “Admittance Measurement for a Quantum Point Contact in a Multi-terminal Quantum Hall Device”
    K. Washio, M. Hashisaka, H. Kamata, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50, 04DJ04 (2011).  doi.org/10.1143/JJAP.50.04DJ04
  67. “Interferometric detection of edge magnetoplasmons in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures”
    M. Hashisaka, K. Washio, H. Kamata, K. Muraki, and T. Fujisawa
    Physica Status Solidi (C) 8, 381 (2011).  doi.org/10.1002/pssc.201000477

  68. 2010

  69. “Temperature dependence of the visibility in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer”
    M. Hashisaka, A. Helzel, S. Nakamura, L. Litvin, Y. Yamauchi, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, H. -P. Tranitz, W. Wegscheider, C. Strunk
    Physica E 42, 1091 (2010).  doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2009.11.072
  70. “Nonequilibrium Fluctuation Relations in a Quantum Coherent Conductor”
    S. Nakamura, Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashisaka, K. Chida, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, R. Leturcq, K. Ensslin, K. Saito, Y. Utsumi, A. C. Gossard
    Physical Review Letters 104, 080602 (2010).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.080602
  71. “Bolometric shot noise detection in coupled quantum contacts”
    M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, S. Kasai, T. Ono, K. Kobayashi
    AIP conference proceedings 1199, 367 (2010).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3295455
  72. “Spin Polarization in a curvature-controlled quantum point contact”
    S. Nakamura, M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Kasai, T. Ono, K. Kobayashi
    AIP conference proceedings 1199, 451 (2010).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3295500

  73. 2009

  74. “Noise measurement system at electron temperature down to 20 mK with combinations of the low pass filters”
    M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, K. Chida, S. Nakamura, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono
    Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 096105 (2009).  doi.org/10.1063/1.3227029
  75. “Non-equilibrium dephasing in ballistic interferometers”
    Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashisaka, S. Nakamura, K. Chida, S. Kasai, T. Ono, R. Leturcq, K. Ensslin, D. C. Driscoll, A. C. Gossard, K. Kobayashi
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 193, 012045 (2009).  doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/193/1/012045
  76. “Conductance anomaly and Fano factor reduction in quantum point contacts”
    S. Nakamura, M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Kasai, T. Ono, K. Kobayashi
    Physical Review B 79, 201308(R) (2009).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.79.201308
  77. “Universality of Bias- and Temperature-induced Dephasing in Ballistic Electronic Interferometers”
    Y. Yamauchi, M. Hashisaka, S. Nakamura, K. Chida, S. Kasai, T. Ono, R. Leturcq, K. Ensslin, D. C. Driscoll, A. C. Gossard, and K. Kobayashi
    Physical Review B 79, 161306(R) (2009).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.79.161306

  78. 2008

  79. “Bolometric Detection of Quantum Shot Noise in Coupled Mesoscopic Systems”
    M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, S. Kasai, T. Ono, K. Kobayashi
    Physical Review B 78, 241303(R) (2008).  doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.78.241303
  80. “Measurement for quantum shot noise in a quantum point contact at low temperatures”
    M. Hashisaka, Y. Yamauchi, S. Nakamura, S. Kasai, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 109, 012013 (2008).  doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/109/1/012013
  81. “Development of a measurement system for quantum shot noise at low temperatures”
    M. Hashisaka, S. Nakamura, Y. Yamauchi, S. Kasai, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono
    Physica Status Solidi (C) 5, 182 (2008).  doi.org/10.1002/pssc.200776535

  82. 2007

  83. “Spin-filtering effect of ferromagnetic semiconductor La2NiMnO6”
    M. Hashisaka, D. Kan, A. Masuno, T. Terashima, M. Takano K. Mibu
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 1975 (2007).  doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.11.007
  84. “Multiferroic thin film of Bi2NiMnO6 with ordered double-perovskite structure”
    M. Sakai, A. Masuno, D. Kan, M. Hashisaka, K. Takata, M. Azuma, M. Takano, Y. Shimakawa
    Applied Physics Letters 90, 072903 (2007).  doi.org/10.1063/1.2539575

  85. 2006

  86. “Epitaxial growth of ferromagnetic La2NiMnO6 with ordered double-perovskite structure”
    M. Hashisaka, D. Kan, A. Masuno, M. Takano, Y. Shimakawa, T. Terashima, K. Mibu
    Applied Physics Letters 89, 032504 (2006).  doi.org/10.1063/1.2226997

  87. 2005

  88. “New ferromagnetic ferroelectric Bi2NiMnO6 compound with double-perovskite structure”
    Y. Shimakawa, M. Azuma, K. Takata, M. Hashisaka, D. Kan, A. Masuno, M. Sakai, T. Terashima, K. Mibu, M. Takano
    Proc. In 12th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric & Piezoelectric Ceramics 203, (2005).