Hashisaka Group

Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP)
The University of Tokyo

A Hashisaka-Lab member will promote condensed matter physics research and learn skills in electronic measurement/control techniques, nanodevice fabrication, and numerical simulations. The current topics are below.

i. Quantum transport in nanoscale devices.
ii. Observation and manipulation of quantum many-body systems.
iii. Development of analog/digital electric circuits, measurement systems, and simulation techniques.

Open Positions: Post-doc Researchers

Please contact Associate Prof. Hashisaka by email.

Master/Doctoral Candidates

We will accept Master/Doctoral students.

1. Standard entrance exam.: August (Enrollment: April)
2. Special programs for international students (Enrollment: April or October): for details, please see Graduate Programs

Laboratory tours and consultations on higher education are available at any time.
We can also accept internship students.
For more details, please contact Associate Prof. Hashisaka by email.